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(,(fib <br />Date: October 5, 2010 <br />To: Pequot Lakes City Council <br />From: George Selvestra (representing the Breezy Pines Subdivision) <br />Subject: Draft Copy of September 7, 2010 Council Meeting <br />Considering a possible future requirement for accuracy in the records of the <br />proceedings at the subject meeting, the draft copy of the minutes was reviewed. <br />- <br />It should be noted that Mayor Adams stated that she had reviewed the <br />information provided by the Breezy Pines residents and had flagged many <br />items. She did not discuss those items at any point in the meeting! <br />However, we believe Mayor Adams asked one question, as did <br />Councilman Sjoblad. We forget who asked what but we believe it was <br />Mayor Adams that asked the question regarding Home Occupation, in <br />which the response from Mr. Marohn was vague at best. We believe <br />Councilman Sjoblad asked the question on covenants and their <br />applicability in which Mr. Marohn replied that it is not in the City's <br />jurisdiction or responsibility to enforce whether or not houses should be <br />painted pink. This is a paraphrase as we do not recall the exact wording of <br />their statements. <br />- <br />The fourth paragraph under item 6.1 states that Kevin Littman "referred to <br />many issues" when in fact he asked the council questions on those issues. <br />`-' <br />(A complete copy of Mr. Littman's questions is attached for the record) <br />Q- <br />It should be noted that none of the questions were answered. <br />- The sixth paragraph says that Jeff Garland stated "that the information <br />presented seems similar to that presented at the Planning Commission <br />meeting" when in actuality he said that the information was "the same ". <br />- The seventh paragraph records the statement of George Selvestra (note the <br />spelling should be corrected from Sylvestra). His statement started by <br />rebutting the statement of Jeff Garland by saying in effect that the <br />residents of Breezy Pines had provided documentation to the council <br />which was totally different from the previous meetings and included <br />paragraph by paragraph information from city ordinances and code which <br />had been stated as a requirement by Mr. Marohn. <br />- After the close of "public comment" the members of the council and Mr. <br />Marohn had relevant conversation on the matter. During Mr. Marohn's <br />statements George Selvestra from the audience asked for a "Point of <br />