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Economic Development Commission Minutes <br />October 19, 2010 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />Tommy Woog stated he would like to see a map that would reflect the gaps are in the <br />City so that the EDC would have an idea of where infill is needed. He suggested that the <br />City could then give subsidy to infill areas that are void. Another suggestion was to <br />provide a list of what businesses Pequot Lakes is missing and the businesses that are <br />available. <br />Sheila Haverkamp stated that it seems that the EDC is looking at a two - tiered approach <br />for business subsidy to encourage economic development. The first would be the actual <br />business subsidy policy that could be used to encourage subsidy for major developments <br />and the second could be used as an incentive program to encourage infill in vacant areas. <br />It was suggested that this second approach could also include marketing strategies, and <br />business expansion and retention. <br />It was the consensus of the EDC to include the comments from this meeting into the re- <br />draft Pequot Lakes Business Subsidy Policy. It was recommended that the draft policy be <br />reviewed by the City's bond attorney to ensure that all statutory guidelines are met. The <br />policy would then be reviewed again at the November EDC meeting. <br />The EDC consented to begin drafting a policy for smaller projects following completion <br />of the Business Subsidy policy. <br />`'' 4. Next Meeting Date — November 30, 2010 <br />Sheila Haverkamp stated that she would like to show the EDC a 9resentation at the next <br />meeting. The EDC changed the meeting date from November 16 to November 30`h. <br />5. Other Business <br />There was no other business. <br />6. Adjournment <br />Meeting adjourned at 9:05 a.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Sandy Peine <br />City Clerk <br />