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� <br /> property lines not screened by a fence. Mr. Burslie stated this is a requirement in the '� <br /> highway business district. I <br /> Planning Commission Member Birch stated Condition #6 states no more than 4 '� <br /> customer-owned inoperable vehicles shall be parked outside for more than 48 hours. '�, <br /> He asked if they needed to be customer-owned. He asked Mr.Walberg if he would be ' <br /> comfortable if that condition stated no more than four inoperable vehicles. Mr.Walberg � <br /> stated he would not be comfortable with that language. He stated his mechanic is � <br /> certified and they can purchase inoperable vehicles and the mechanic can put them back '� <br /> together as operable vehicles. If he is allowed to erect the fence where they want to,they <br /> should be able to keep the inoperable vehicles behind the fence. Planning Commission � <br /> Member Birch stated he just doesn't understand�the need for the fence if it is not ' <br /> benefitting screening from Patriot Avenue. Chair Hallan stated the fence would provide <br /> screening as viewed from Patriot Avenue traveling north. <br /> Planning Commission Member Larson stated the use with conditions would not be <br /> injurious to the public health,safety,welfare, decency, order,comfort, convenience, or <br /> appearance or prosperity of the City,the fence would probably be a good idea. It would <br /> be cleaning up your property and keeping some of the mess behind. Placing the fence <br /> where you want gives those vehicles a place,while opening up your corner for people to <br /> see the vehicles ready for sale and potentially clean that area up a bit. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Greg Seils(Crow Wing Auto Body) stated he had a 2o-year lease with the DNR for use of <br /> their 3o-foot parcel;he is not going to renew the lease. He planted the trees along the <br /> north lot line of the DNR lot and filled the wetland for a driveway to get to their house. <br /> The DNR property was a wetland and he filled it. He moved the culvert from the Watt <br /> side of his properry to the north side; MN/DOT didn't want any additional access to the <br /> highway. He plans to move the culvert back to the Watt side to put the DNR lot back to <br /> the way it was. He stated he is not worried about a fence,just have orderly cars and not <br /> parked on the DNR land. A fence further back would be nice as screening for visibility <br /> from their residential area. The DNR land is trail access to lake; it is not a public access. <br /> It is not for the Fire Department access to Mr.Walberg's house; only a walldng trail. A <br /> fire lane or access to the Walberg house should be on his own property. Mr. Seils <br /> further stated he supports Mr.Walberg having a successful business,but keep the cars <br /> neat and orderly. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding snow removed from vehicles and parlang in the right-of- <br /> way. Mr. Burslie reminded the Chair that all comments should go through the Chair. <br /> Chair Hallan reminded the Walberg group that they had not been interrupted when they <br /> spoke and they should not interrupt the public as they speak. <br /> MINUTES � <br /> Pequot Lakes Planning Commission <br /> January i�, 2oi9 <br />