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over the winter when he doesn't work often. He was advised to try to find a way to store ' <br /> them on the lot with the dwelling. ' <br /> I <br /> Chair Hallan stated this commission is not in favor of changing the ordinance. i <br /> I <br /> c. Meeting Attendance j <br /> Bittner elcplained the importance of notifying City Hall when members are going to be II <br /> absent. Emergencies can happen,but members must contact City Hall at their earliest <br /> convenience that they cannot attend. City Hall closes at 4:0o PM and decisions to � <br /> cancel a meeting need to take place as soon as possible. She requested a minimum of <br /> 24-hour notice from Planning Commission members that they will be absent. ' <br /> Planning Commission Member Birch requested being notified of special meetings by <br /> telephone also. � <br /> Bittner also noted the liaisons for upcoming City Council meetings. � <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> a. Short-term Rental Ordinance , <br /> Chair Hallan noted that responses from the lake associations had been included,as well <br /> as ordinances from City of Brainerd, City of Minneapolis, and Aitkin County. Bittner ' <br /> stated there is a handout from someone who rents their lake properry on the table. Our <br /> Ordinance allows four leases per year with a definition of lease as any lease shorter than <br /> 3o days per year. Staff reminded him that lease period is not defined. <br /> Chair Hallan stated the City of Bemidji no longer allows any leases. They had a very <br /> comprehensive ordinance but over the last i2 years decided to do away with it. Pequot <br /> Lakes may not want to allow zero leases,but do we want to modify from four. The City <br /> of Lake Shore just modified their ordinance into specific districts — one district allows . <br /> weekly rentals for six months. <br /> Planning Commission Member Birch stated he had attended the planning trainings in <br /> Staples and most of the communities present are having the same discussions. He <br /> personally is not in favor of banning this type of rental as the community needs the extra <br /> traffic to stay vital. He is in favor of addressing it through a licensing methodology <br /> which would give us more control and the flexibility to pull that license. <br /> Chair Hallan stated he is a proponent for keeping it and is not in favor of doing away <br /> with it. We need to make it more defined. We should require an end of year report. It <br /> won't be the City policing this; it will be the surrounding property owners. <br /> Planning Commission Member Birch stated it realistically is only four to five months a <br /> year when the lake properties are rented. <br /> MINUTES 7 <br /> Pequot Lakes Planning Commission <br /> August i6, 2oi8 <br />