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1. The applicant is proposing to rezone 2�.02 acres from "Recreational" to <br /> "Rural Residential." <br /> 2. The subject property contains approximately 2 acres of wetlands. This <br /> natural sensitive area will be protected by the Wetland Conservation Act <br /> . standards and structure setbacks included in the zoning ordinance. <br /> 3. The subject properly is privately owned. The properly owner has not <br /> indicated any plans for future development. <br /> 4. The subject property is not within the Shoreland Area and no Shoreland <br /> soil types have been identified. <br /> 5. The subject property contains some lowland area. It also contains a <br /> significant amount of buildable land. <br /> 6. The vegetative cover of the subject property consists of trees and grasses. <br /> �. The subject property is not adjacent to a public water body. "In-water <br /> physical characteristics" and recreational use of surface water do not <br /> apply. <br /> 8. The subject properly has approximately 90o feet of frontage adjacent to <br /> Little Walnut Lane. <br /> 9. The proposed rezoning does not increase the socio-economic development <br /> needs of the public. <br /> 10.The public sewer and water utilities are not available in the vicinity of the <br /> subject property. There are no plans to extend the public utilities to the <br /> area of the subject property. <br /> ii. The subject property does not contain any known significant historical or <br /> ecological value. <br /> 12.The subject property is adjacent to property zoned"Rural Residential" and <br /> "Recreational". The proposed reclassification is not considered "spot <br /> zoning." <br /> 13. The proposed rezoning is in conformance with the City of Pequot Lakes <br /> Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 14.The future land use map identifies the subject property as "Rural <br /> Residential." Rezoning the subject property to "Rural Residential" is <br /> compatible with that classification. <br /> Council Report 2 <br /> October 2,2oi8 <br />