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Planning Commission Member Wilson asked if the 2,00o foot diameter had been <br /> removed. Chair Hallan stated the spacing would be 2,00o feet with a i,000 foot radius. <br /> Council Member Akerson asked what the overlay district was. Mr. Burslie explained it is <br /> a specific area on specific properties. This will be discussed later in the meeting for an <br /> ordinance amendment establishing an overlay district for offsite signs. � <br /> � <br /> Chair Hallan noted the letter from the Chamber suggested changes to allow multiple � <br /> � <br /> posts with landscaping. He was concerned with maintenance over time. Planning <br /> Commission Member Leckband stated use of multiple posts would be to use wood ; <br /> rather than steel or metal. He felt this would lead to maintenance issues and decay of j <br /> the sign. Chair Hallan stated two wood posts can be used,just not on a 40o square foot I <br /> sign. � <br /> Chris Monroe, Chamber Director,clarified that the letter earlier referred to as being <br /> from the Chamber, is from the Sign Committee. Those recommendations are from the <br /> Sign Committee. ' <br /> Chair Hallan noted the exterior lighting in their letter. Lighting systems have changed <br /> dramatically and are no longer the bright lights shining in the sky. He has no issue if the <br /> lighting is downward or up toward the sign. <br /> Planning Commission Member Wilson stated he lived in Flagstaff,Arizona, and they <br /> had the dark slaes initiative due to the observatories. He preferred the dark slaes. � <br /> � <br /> Planning Commission Member Leckband noted the letter states"illumination of <br /> advertising devices shall not interfere with traffic safety". Who enforces that? He was <br /> not in favor of that language because the City can't enforce it. Mr. Burslie stated that if <br /> there is a safety issue, MN/DOT or State Patrol will deal with it. � <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT OPENED: I <br /> Council Member Swanson Requested the Planning Commission recommend the , <br /> downward light concept. Upward lighting creates light pollution. I� <br /> Council Member Akerson — Stated lighting has changed and the City shines lights �� <br /> upward. I <br /> Steve Anderson, Franklin Outdoor Advertising— Stated throughout the industry, , <br /> downward lighting is rare. The lights designed for billboards are designed to shine on <br /> the billboards. Work on the signs is done from the top down and it is a hazard to be <br /> working around conduit, cords and arms. <br /> Mayor Adams— Stated she does not have an issue if the light is going up at the sign,just , <br /> so it is not polluting the sky. �I <br /> MINUTES 2 � <br /> Pequot Lakes Planning Commission � <br /> May 3i, 2oi8 <br />