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Additional charges will occur if changes are rriade to project scope once this document has been <br /> signed and/or differences between the allowante outlined above and the actual cost of these <br /> items varies. <br /> The next steps is to agree to this proposal (in addition to any changes that have been noted in <br /> the presentation of this document), and subsequently to sign the contract agreement which <br /> references the document above. <br /> Matt Vanscoyoc Mike Loven <br /> Representative City of Pequot Lakes <br /> Legacy Building Solutions <br /> _ _ , , _, _ . <br /> .� .,, ., _: �,_ �-, : .: ,,:< �-=� �- _�,�: . , -- _ >> .- - _ :.z�-z _ , �- <br /> IEGACY8UIL01NG50Ll1TI0N5.C�M 7 <br />