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When officers of the Pequot Lakes Police Department are not actively on duty, Jenkins agrees that it shall be provided <br /> police protection by the Crow Wing Gounty Sheriff s Department. <br /> Officers of the Pequot Lakes Police Department may raspond to calis in Jenkins and are available to handle such calls, if <br /> such calls do not hinder or diminish police service to Pequot Lakes. <br /> Except as otherwise specifically set forth, law enforcemenfi service shall encompass only such duties and functions of <br /> the type coming within the jurisdiction of Pequot Lakes pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota. <br /> Petty misdemeanor, misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor offenses occumng within Jenkins which the Pequot Lakes <br /> Police Department charges shail be prosecuted by the City Prosecutor, as appointed by the Pequot Lakes City Council, <br /> and fines collected there from shall be distributed in accordance with state law. <br /> HEADQUARTERS AND EQUIPMENT <br /> The headquarters of the Pequot Lakes personnel providing police service in Jenkins shall be in Pequot Lakes, and <br /> members of the general public having need to communicate with the Pequot Lakes Police Department on matters arising <br /> out of or involving persan or property in Jenkins may communicate directly with Pequot Lakes Police Department or the <br /> Crow Wing County Sheriff's Department. <br /> Pequot Lakes, under the terms of this contract, will provide all communication devices, equipment, records, other <br /> materials and personnel necessary to the performance of this contract except to the e�ent that this contract specifically <br /> provides for the fumishing of any part thereof by Jenkins. <br /> PUBLIC INFORMATION <br /> Both parties agree to take reasonable steps necessary to inform the public of the fact that Pequot Lakes is providing <br /> police service for Jenkins. Pequot Lakes may, at its option, mark any or all of its police vehicles as "Pequot Lakes Police <br /> Department, "Jenkins Police Department"or some similar designation. <br /> PERSONNEL: POLICIES AND FRINGE BENEFITS <br /> All personnei used in providing police service to Jenkins under this contract shall be and remain employees of Pequot <br /> Lakes. The personnel policies and contracts applicable to Pequot Lakes Police employees shall apply, and <br /> compensation and applicable fringe benefits shall be the responsibility of and subject to determination from time to time <br /> by Pequot Lakes. <br /> DESIGNATION OF AUTHORITY <br /> Under authority of Minnesota Statute Section 471.59, Subdivision 12, "Joint Exercise of Police Power", Jenkins <br /> authorizes all swom officers of the Pequot Lakes Police Department to exercise the powers of"Peace Officers"or <br /> "Palice Officers"within the corporate limits of Jenkins, with the same authority as in the corporate limits of Pequot Lakes, <br /> provided they meet the requirements of sub paragraphs (1) and (2)of Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59, Subdivision <br /> 12. <br />