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07.01 - Consider Req by Fire Bd for Partial Refund to Breezy Pt
City Council (Permanent)
Agenda Packets (Permanent)
12-06-2011 Council Meeting
07.01 - Consider Req by Fire Bd for Partial Refund to Breezy Pt
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I%, B. To make no claim against the City of Breezy Point for damage to the property of the Fire Department or for personal <br />injuries to its fire fighters while en route to, or serving at, or returning from fires within the Breezy Point area. <br />Article 3. The City of Breezy Point agrees: <br />A. To pay the sum of $79,427.81 for contract year 2011, on or before May 1, 2011 <br />B. To pay the Fire Department $500.00 for the first hour and $350.00 for each additional hour or fraction thereof, spent <br />by the fire department on any call. <br />C. To pay $500.00 (Five Hundred Dollars) for the use of the Hurst Extraction tool on rescue calls. <br />D. To pay $50.00 (Fifty Dollars), per gallon of foam, when the Chief or other officer in charge of the fire department <br />deems it necessary to use. <br />E. To make a City of Breezy Point fire protection levy or otherwise provide funds each year in amount sufficient to pay <br />the Fire Department the compensation agreed upon above. <br />F. A one -year notice will be given for any changes, deletions, or additions in the fire protection area being covered <br />under the current contract. <br />Article 4. The Fire Department agrees, with this compensation to furnish the use of its fire fighters and equipment, <br />and to provide for the cost of any new equipment, compensation of fire fighters, cost of premium on insurance, if any, <br />purchased by the Fire Department to indemnify itself for the loss of, or damage to any fire fighting equipment while <br />furnishing fire protection within the Fire Department Service Area. <br />Article 5. Fair Share Formula <br />S =CxU +T <br />2 <br />S = Each contracting party's share of total cost expressed in dollars. <br />C = Total cost of fire department operations, in dollars. <br />U = Use of fire department services in each contracting party expressed as a percent of the total use of fire department <br />services by all contracting parties. <br />T = Tax capacity of each contracting party expressed as a percent of the sum of the tax capacity of all contracting parties. <br />U (Use) + T (Tax Capacity) is a method of arriving at the percent of costs that should be charged to each contracting <br />ply. <br />To this is added .01 % of the current tax capacity for Firemen's Relief Association. <br />
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