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07.01 - Consider Req by Fire Bd for Partial Refund to Breezy Pt
City Council (Permanent)
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12-06-2011 Council Meeting
07.01 - Consider Req by Fire Bd for Partial Refund to Breezy Pt
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CITY OF PEQUOT LAKES AND CITY OF BREEZY POINT <br />2011 -2012 FIRE CONTRACT <br />RECEIVED MAY 0 9 2011 <br />Cr�py <br />By this instrument, the Pequot Lakes Volunteer Fire Department, Pequot Lakes, Crow Wing County, MN and the City <br />of Breezy Point, County of Crow Wing, MN agree with each other as indicated by the following articles: <br />Article 1. The Fire Department agrees to furnish fire service and fire protection to all property within the City of Breezy <br />Point for the compensation and the conditions hereinafter set forth, and the Fire Department further agrees that a noble effort <br />will be made attend all fires within the areas described, whenever it is notified of such fires, subject to the following <br />conditions: <br />A. Two or more fire calls received from the city officers or from property owners within the described area shall be <br />answered in the order of receipt unless the Fire Chief or other officer in charge of the fire department at that time, otherwise <br />directs. <br />B. Road and weather conditions must be such that the fire run can be made with reasonable safety to the fire fighters <br />and equipment of the Fire Department. In the event that the Fire Chief or other officer in charge of the Fire Department at the <br />time makes a decision that the fire run cannot be made with reasonable safety to fire fighters and equipment, such decision <br />shall be final. <br />C. The Fire Department shall not be liable to the City of Breezy Point for loss or damage of any kind whatever, <br />resulting from any failure to furnish or any delay in furnishing fire fighters or fire equipment, or from any failure to prevent <br />control or extinguish any fire, whether such loss or damage is caused by the negligence of the officers, agents, or employees <br />of the City or its fire department or otherwise. <br />D. In responding to Fire calls within the Breezy Point area, the Fire Chief or other officer in charge of the fire <br />department at the time shall dispatch only such personnel and equipment as in his opinion can be safely spared. In case an <br />emergency arises within the Fire Department Service Area while equipment and personnel of the fire department are engaged <br />in fighting a fire within the City of Breezy Point, the Fire Chief, or other officer in charge of the fire department may, in his <br />discretion, recall to the Service Area such equipment and personnel as he may consider necessary to meet the emergency. <br />Article 2. The Fire Department agrees: <br />A. To keep and maintain in good order at its own expense the necessary fire apparatus and equipment for fire service <br />and fire protection within the Fire Department Service area. <br />
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