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Economic Development Commission Minutes <br /> April 18, 2017 <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br /> Chair Jurchen stated a server farm is something we might look at. Mr. Perkins stated a <br /> � <br /> dedicated access is necessary to be fed by fiber. That capability exists in the Business Park <br /> today. <br /> Chair Jurchen asked Mr. Perkins if the EDC could help TDS to promote expansion. Mr. <br /> Perkins stated a Letter of Support or Letter of Request is always a good thing. A request in <br /> writing would be a good idea. <br /> Mr. Perkins stated he will provide a number that can be shared publically soon. <br /> 4. Economic Development Authority(EDA) Discussion <br /> Chair Jurchen explained there are costs associated with economic development; who is going <br /> to do the work and who is going to pay for it. An EDA would have authority to levy and <br /> borrow funds. Sheila Haverkamp stated a city or municipality can create an EDA. The <br /> powers of the EDA is dependent upon the resolution creating the EDA. EDA's are an <br /> advisory committee to the Council with the ability to levy. An EDA might be able to levy <br /> $20,000 to $30,000 annually. An EDA can take on a big project, such as development of the <br /> 85 acres south of Derksen Road. <br /> An EDA would deflect politics of a project. There needs to be political will among the City <br /> Council to levy dollars on economic development. <br /> Commissioner Lindholm stated the TCI Task Forces are emphasizing this also. Nothing will <br /> move forward without the City Council. There hasn't been a dialog from the TCI to the City <br /> Council. <br /> Chair Jurchen stated Bruce Meade should be invited to the May meeting to discuss this. <br /> Nancy Malecha was directed to contact Mr. Meade to see if he is available to attend. <br /> Sheila Haverkamp will also provide additional information on EDA's at the May meeting. <br /> 5. Thriving Communities Initiative <br /> Chair Jurchen stated the Steering Committee will meet tomorrow. The Economy Task Force <br /> is working on branding and funding mechanisms. They have a logo and slogan. <br /> Commissioner Lindholm stated the Workforce Task Force included a letter in the EDC <br /> packet. They have wrestled with the concept of reviving the Patriot Foundation. It was a <br /> 501(c)3 and was used for scholarships and mini-grants. When it was dissolved the money <br /> was set aside. Some folks want to relaunch it and partner with the Initiative Foundation(IF). <br /> The IF will provide support and direction. This would create a foundation to leverage <br /> donations. <br />