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Section 1. That the Pequot Lakes City Council requests the Minnesota State <br /> Legislature to consider special legislation permitting the City to collect a one-half of one <br /> percent (0.5%) local sales tax to be exclusively dedicated to payment of city costs <br /> associated with the Highway 371 North Improvement in the City of Pequot Lakes. <br /> Section 2. That the sales tax will terminate at the time the sales tax reaches <br /> $5,000,000, with said tax to be used specifically for the Highway 371 project, or when <br /> the City's project costs have been paid in full,whichever comes first. <br /> Section 3. That the Pequot Lakes City Council is only interested in pursuing the <br /> 0.5% sales tax for the Highway 371 Improvement if the Cities of Brainerd, Baxter, and <br /> Nisswa are also involved so as make this a regional effort. <br /> Section 4. That the City Council will seek to ask its citizens,through a public <br /> referendum on the November 7, 2006 ballot, whether or not they approve of a one-half of <br /> one percent (0.5%) local option sales tax to help fund Highway 371 Improvement. <br /> Passed and adopted by the Pequot Lakes City Council this 7th day of February, 2006. <br /> Cathy Malecha, Mayor <br /> ATTEST: <br /> Sandra A. Peine, City C erk <br />