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12-08-2011 Park Commission Meeting
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12-08-2011 Park Commission Meeting
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First, as a centerpiece monument in a relatively open area,there is a need to make the winding <br /> approach more linear. A winding path works well in the woods or a more closed area, but here a <br /> straight path from the Paul Bunyan Trail, as well one to the west connecting to the park trail, <br /> would focus proper attention on the area. <br /> Second, a monument of this type should be arranged in a more symmetrical fashion. As it <br /> currently sits,the objects within the memorial site, including the flag, are not arranged in any <br /> discernable pattern which, in a subtle way, makes the space uncomfortable.Since the intention <br /> of the memorial is not to make people uncomfortable in their moment of reflection but instead <br /> to relate the community's respect for the sacrifice of so many, rearranging the objects in this <br /> site to a more classical form would enhance the power of the message. <br /> Finally,the display of the flag is an important aspect in communicating what this site is. Right <br /> now the flag feels like more of an afterthought. Consideration should be give to the size, <br /> location and approach to the flag so as to emphasize its impact, particularly on those that view <br /> this memorial from further away. <br /> 9. This is an area of the park that should be used to sculpt flower beds and very low(1-2 foot) <br /> shrubs naturally into the landscape. This is not an active part of the park and so its value is in its <br /> aesthetics. It is a visual transition between the adjacent roadways and the park and serves as a <br /> backdrop for those attending concerts at the band shell.The current grass is not lush and <br /> professionally-maintained (it is mowed, but not to a park quality) and, at many points <br /> throughout the year, has a negative visual impact. Gradually introducing non-turf vegetation, <br /> especially when it can be formed to the landscape without the use of planters or edging,will <br /> help enhance the buffer to the highway. <br /> 10. There is a need to pull the band shell area closer together.There is no discernable boundary <br /> currently and so people spread out, making the venue less intimate.This is an open park and so <br /> there should not be a wall or barrier erected, but it would tighten up the site and enhance the <br /> interaction by having a discernable boundary around the entertainment area. A row of paving <br /> stones (installed flat with ground level) around the outside would create the needed effect(the <br /> same way a three-point line does on a basketball court).Seven brick pillars,each three to four <br /> feet high,would further define the space without breaking up the flow of people throughout. <br /> When an event was taking place, people would congregate inside this area or hang around <br /> outside of this area, depending on their mood or desires. Either would be fine, but the space <br /> would be defined and this would enhance the feel of the site for participants. <br /> 11. The existing buffer between the parking area and the park/trail has not been well established or <br /> maintained.There needs to be more of a ground-level buffer her that can be created by planting <br /> shrubs (1-2 foot variety)along the east side of the trail to keep users of the trail from having to <br /> interact with automobiles.This can be further enhanced by a curb to be installed as part of <br /> future Government Drive improvements. <br /> 12. The crossing of Main Street(CSAH 11) by the Paul Bunyan Trail needs to be enhanced.There are <br /> a number of things that could be done that would be a huge improvement over the current <br /> situation. Painting a crosswalk—especially one that was blue and crosshatched--would be a <br /> cheap start. Placing a cone in the center and/or along the edge to slow traffic and narrow the <br /> unprotected gap for pedestrians would be another very cheap enhancement that could be done <br /> Pequot Lakes Downtown Plan—Updated December 2011 19 <br />
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