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5. The variance would not alter the essential character of the surrounding area; in <br /> fact, it retains screening and the northwoods feel by reducing the number of <br /> trees that would need to be removed. <br /> Planning Commission Direction: The Planning Commission has the option to identify <br /> a hardship and approve the variance. The Commission may also vote to deny the <br /> variance. Either motion needs to be supported by findings of fact. At this point, the <br /> Commission may also table the request. <br /> Staff Recommendation: The staff has identified a demonstrated hardship due to <br /> circumstances unique to the property, and thus recommends approval of the variance <br /> subject to the following conditions: <br /> 1. The applicants shall place the drain field as close to the center of the eastern <br /> property line(centering it at approximately 95.5' from north to south) as <br /> possible so as to reduce or eliminate any encroachment into the lake OHW <br /> setback to the north or south. Placement directly along the center of the lot <br /> line would meet all lake OHW setbacks. <br /> January 2004 Staff Report Page 8 <br />