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STAFF REPORT <br /> Application: Variance to install a drain field for an Individual Sewer Treatment System <br /> (ISTS) within the side yard setback and Middle Cullen Lake OHW setback. <br /> Applicant: Kenneth and Elizabeth Hirschey <br /> Background Information: The Hirscheys are requesting a variance to install an ISIS <br /> drain field within five(5) feet of the property line to an adjacent lot. The Hirscheys' <br /> property is located in the R-1 zoning district. The side setback in the R-1 zone is 10 feet. <br /> The property also lies within the Shoreland Overlay District as it sits on Middle Cullen <br /> Lake, a General Development(GD)lake requiring a 75-foot setback from the OHW for <br /> ISTS. The Hirscheys' parcel is surrounded on three sides by the lake, which dramatically <br /> reduces the building envelope for installing the drain field. The proposed drain field is <br /> located outside of the required lake setback on all sides, but only by one foot from the <br /> north end of the parcel to the south end if it is centered along the eastern property line. <br /> Previously, the Hirscheys shared their drain field with their neighbors; however, the <br /> neighbors have decided to install their own system and the Hirscheys must now do the <br /> same. The neighbors have submitted a letter indicating their support for the placement of <br /> the Hirscheys' drain field within five feet of their property line. <br /> The Hirscheys claim that the configuration of their lot, proximity to the lake on three <br /> sides, and location of existing features on their lot- including a cabin, trees, gazebo,boat <br /> house, and deep well— inhibits the placement of the drain field outside of the side yard <br /> setback. They have explored different types of ISTS, including a mound system, but <br /> were informed that these systems would require the same amount of space for the drain <br /> field. <br /> Applicable Statutes: Section 25.040 discusses minimum lot requirements and setbacks <br /> for lots on a General Development (GD) lake. Section 25.070 states: "Any uses of <br /> shorelands in existence prior to the date of enactment of this Ordinance that are permitted <br /> within the applicable Zoning District, but do not meet the minimum lot area, setbacks or <br /> other dimensional requirements of this Ordinance are substandard or non-conforming <br /> uses. Substandard or non-conforming uses shall be allowed to continue. A structural <br /> alteration or addition to a substandard use that will increase the substandard dimensions <br /> may be allowed by land use permit if the following apply: <br /> 1. Conforming on-site sewage treatment systems and water supply facilities may <br /> be installed; <br /> 2. Additions or alterations shall not exceed cumulatively, fifty percent(50%)of <br /> the square footage of outside dimensions of the structure as it existed on the <br /> date of enactment of this ordinance as documented in records in the office of <br /> the Crow Wing County Assessor, and for reasons of structural integrity <br /> allowing for basements under additions where a basement exists on the <br /> original structure. <br /> January 2004 Staff Report Page 6 <br />