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3. To reduce impervious coverage as much as reasonable possible, to <br /> control stormwater runoff and to reduce the number of non- <br /> conformities on the property, the applicant shall permanently remove <br /> the existing deck that encroaches 31 feet from the lake. <br /> 4. To control stormwater runoff, runoff from around the home and in the <br /> rear of the home shall be contained using berms and shallow swales. <br /> The existing railroad tie retaining wall shall be replaced with an <br /> environmentally friendly retaining system such as keystone or natural <br /> rock. The retaining wall shall be raised to withhold and contain <br /> stormwater runoff from the site so that there is no direct flow of <br /> stormwater from the home into the lake. <br /> 5. To reduce the amount of runoff to the lake, to reduce the amount of <br /> erosion and to buffer the visual impact of the new construction from the <br /> lake, the applicant shall revegetate the slope between the retaining <br /> wall and the lake according to the following schedule: <br /> a. One tree, a minimum of 4-feet high, per 100 square feet. <br /> b. Shrubs may be substituted for up to half of the required trees on <br /> a 3:1 ratio (3 shrubs per tree) so long as the shrubs are <br /> designed to grow at least five feet in height. <br /> Vegetation shall be maintained in perpetuity and shall be replaced if it <br /> dies. <br /> If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Dawn Bittner <br /> Planning and Zoning Dept. <br />